Does a golf club or course really need a mobile app?
Posted: 8th August 2017 in App feed, Marketing and communications, Mobile App

Australia’s mobile appetite
In Australia, almost 80% of our population had a smartphone in 2015, up 10% on the previous year. Interaction via a mobile app is increasing too. Deloitte estimate Australians are checking their phones more than 440 million times a day, with users aged between 35-64 checking an average of 19 times a day*. Australians are very connected with their mobile, checking updates first thing in their morning routine and often last thing at night.
A mobile app as a channel for communication
Mobile is emerging as the preferred channel for communication. Golf course and club managers wanting to strengthen relationships with members or visitors and provide a beneficial user experience when interacting with their club or course need to consider utilising mobile communication. Creating a customised mobile app can address these requirements.
With mobile being accessed so heavily by Australians, mobile apps provide an effective channel for marketing communications. Apps can also simplify and tailor the key functions and information members and visitors need, via their mobile.
Keep it functional or forget it
Successful apps serve either a useful or fun function. Google estimate one in five apps are installed and then forgotten or not used**. Golf clubs and courses need to consider the core functions members or visitors would most want to be able to do via a mobile and ensure the user experience on the app is a good one. Clubs using MiClub mobile app have full member database integration so users have direct access to Clubs using MiClub mobile app have full member database integration so users have direct access to bookings and other functions all within the app, creating real value for the user.
Unique to apps is the ability to push messages out to a user’s phone. Push notifications are very effective if done correctly. To avoid users seeing push notifications as annoying, messages need to be tailored to user groups, rather than generic broadcast messages. Keeping notifications to things they users are interested in however, increases the likelihood of stronger usage of the app, as users click through on useful notifications.
Another tool in the toolbox
Apps will not be a one-stop shop in communication to members and visitors of golf courses. Golf clubs and courses need to build a communications plan that may combine several channels, social media, email newsletters and member portals. Keeping a mix of channels and messages gives more reach and more chance to reach your members and visitors.
* Deloitte: Mobile Consumer Survey 2015 – The Australian Cut
** Think with Google: App-Nesia in the UK: the Need for re-engagement marketing