Eight effective tools for member communication

Posted: 15th March 2025 in Latest news

Effective communication with club members is crucial for maintaining a strong club culture, keeping members informed about events and activities and ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding club goals and expectations.

Here’s a list of eight effective communication tools that can be utilised within the MiClub system to help drive increased member engagement and satisfaction.


Member News

The Member News area is the default landing page for all members when logging into the full MiClub Golf product.

Editable via wordpress, individual posts can be published against any date schedule and include all the standard editing tools for customising text, links and images. Clubs can also add an Archive section to their landing page for members to access historical news information.

Add an introductory post excerpt and featured image to help your posts look neat and professional.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000064010-wordpress-add-a-post

 * Available to MiClub Full Golf system only 


Fixture page notices 

The Fixture page booking notice, displayed in a prominent position at the top of the MiClub Golf Fixtures page, is a great way to communicate golf specific news to your members.

Notices can be filtered into segments (Bookings, Competition, Membership) and scheduled using a start and end date range.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000091182-add-booking-notice-timesheet-fixture-list-view


Public Booking notice 

A newly enhanced feature for clubs taking online prepaid bookings, the Public Player notice is a useful tool to communicate requirements for visitor play and any important information relevant to players such as current course renovations, playing conditions or dress regulations.

The Public Booking notice appears as a yellow box above the booking calendar on the Public Booking portal.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000156334-public-bookings-update-fee-notice-and-warning

 * Available to MiClub Full Golf system only 



An attractive, professional and engaging bulk marketing tools designed to reflect your brand, eNews is an effective way to build a stronger connection with your target audience. With drag and drop editing features and a range of customisable contact list features, MiClub’s eNews can be easily created and customised by any club administrator.

eNews is frequently complemented by MiClub’s Triggers & Vouchers module and widely used for targeted promotions for clubs’ public booking marketing databases.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000081420-enews-user-guide

For the advanced user, emails can also be sent to booked players on any specific timesheet using the ‘post round’ email template editing option.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000051366-utility-send-an-email-to-players-on-a-timesheet


SMS (Golf / MIM) 

MiClub’s direct text to mobile SMS module is now available for both MiClub Golf and MiMembership.

In MiClub Golf, text messages can be sent to members manually by selecting any section of a timesheet, individually via the Member Directory or automatically when a member moves from a waitlist to timesheet after another booking is deleted.

In MiMembership, messages can be sent in bulk to any segment of the membership database or to individual members. Messages can also be sent with embedded links such as to individual invoices or statements.

MiClub User Guide (Golf): https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000074086-sms-sending-options

MiClub User Guide (MiMembership): https://mimembershiphelp.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000152213-send-sms-message

*Additional module | SMS $0.045c per text on plan


MiScore App – Push Notifications 

Messaging direct to the MiScore App is now available at no additional cost to all participating costs.

Options available to target specific players are available on the notification screen and include the selection of individual timesheets and associated bookings, teetime groups or players currently registered and scoring in a competition.

Check out our Help Guide below for suggested uses which include during play (in-app scoring), before play (booked on timesheet), after play (post round competition players) and other associated filter options.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000138938-miscore-app-notifications-send-notifications-to-players


Club App (Push Notifications) 

Nearly 130 clubs across the country now utilise the MiClub Club App and its standard push notification features.

Push messaging makes it easy to send group updates directly to users devices. Messages are displayed similarly to text messages and open up the app interface when tapped.

Primarily utilised as a complementary marketing platform, notifications can be sent on a range of topics including upcoming club events, retail specials or daily course updates.

MiClub Help Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000136786-push-notifications-entegy-app

 * Club App integration available with MiClub Full Golf system only 


Booking reminder templates 

A much-underutilised feature of the MiClub Golf system is the ability to customise content for a clubs booking confirmation / reminder email templates.

Accessible via the system email menu, the drag and drop editor allows clubs to advertise any additional information such as club facilities or promotions and links to access a club app or utilise the MiScore digital scoring app.

Note that separate booking confirmation templates exist for both full members and public members if clubs wished to customise content for either type of player.

A reminder too that a report of all emails generated by the MiClub Golf system are available in the eMail History menu of the Member Directory.

Note: It is recommended that club administrators seek advice from the MiClub Helpdesk before editing system booking reminder templates.

MiClub User Guide: https://help.miclub.com.au/support/solutions/articles/14000057095-utilities-email-history


For assistance in setting up and utilising any of the listed features, please contact the MiClub Helpdesk on 08 9444 5300.