Final scorecard orders before holiday season!
Posted: 5th November 2018 in Latest news

The time has come to submit final scorecard orders before Christmas.
MiClub’s Autoscore/MiScore card printer will be closed from Thursday 20 December 2018 and will reopen Tuesday 8 January 2019. We suggest you check your current stock levels of Autoscore or MiScore cards. If you have insufficient stock to last the holiday period, place an order immediately.
To assist in estimating your current stock level, each box of Autoscore is approximately 2,500 cards and MiScore is 1,200. Please be aware that the turn around time from order to receiving the cards is between four and six weeks. You will need to place your order no later than Monday 25th November 2018 to ensure deliver prior to Christmas. You may also want to check if you have enough plastic card covers and toner cartridges.
If you need to place an order, you can do so via email to
Edits to scorecards
If you need changes made to the front of the card (local rules area), please send us a detailed email summarising the requested changed. Send your request through to with the details of the changes required.
Toner cartridges
Be sure to have a spare printer cartridge ready for the Christmas period.
Cartridges can be ordered through the MiClub support email too,
- Genuine Lexmark High Yield Cartridges are available from $480 + GST (Approx. 21,000 prints).
- Genuine OKI High Yield Cartridges are available from $350 + GST (Approx. 21,000 prints).