Finance your next golf development with the Australian Sports Foundation
Posted: 3rd September 2018 in Golf Management

Fundraising in partnership with the Australian Sports Foundation is a convenient way to finance upcoming development projects for non-for-profit golf organisations. Founded by the Federal Government, the ASF exists to raise money for the development of sport in Australia. Golf Clubs can submit any project that will help develop their sport. This includes funding for facility development, hosting events, new equipment or even team travel.
In 2017, the ASF helped raise $45 million for 1,328 Australian athletes, organisations and sporting communities. Golf was the third biggest fundraiser, amounting to almost $5 million in donations. Successfully signing up will give you access to an online platform that allows you to accept tax-deductible donations for your fundraising project.
An ASF Sports Partnership Manager will be in contact with you to support your fundraising project by providing advice and resources to help achieve your objective. You then create a web page with your logo and list the details of your project. Once your page is live, all donations are transferred to your nominated account monthly. The Australian Sports Foundation is a self-funded initiative, to operate they receive 5% of all online donations and 6% for all manual donations.
Launching your first fundraising project
1. Submit an application
Visit and click “start funding as an Organisation”. Complete the eligibility application by entering your organisations details. To apply you will need an ABN, Incorporation Certificate, Trust Deed (For Trusts and Foundations only) and details of another contact person.
2. Plan your fundraising project
Plan your fundraising campaign with the help of your Sports Partnership Manager. Establish a clear goal, define your target audience and evaluate how you are going reach your fundraising objective. The Australian Sports Foundation has created a useful Fundraising Toolkit to help with the planning process. Have a read and get planning!
3. Create a project page
This is where you will be collecting most of your donations. ASF project pages are easy to set up and are a great way to communicate your story for donors. There are three different layout options to choose from when creating a page. To get started, all you need is a logo and a short description about your project. To stand out include images and detailed descriptions that help your donors get to know your club.
4. Promote your project
Share your story and project page with your target audience. Identify where your audience is connecting with your organisation and then reach out with a message that resonates with them. There are many ways to promote your project. Get creative with email or publish a post on social media. Try multiple communication channels but avoid being too intrusive.
5. Thank your supporters
A very important part of fundraising! The Australian Sports Foundation recommends you personally thank your donors within a week of receiving their contribution. If you are fundraising at events be sure to show your appreciation on the day. If there is a specified end date for your fundraising campaign, this is another great opportunity to thank everyone for their support.