MiScore App Update
Posted: 24th March 2022 in About us, Latest news
The latest update has provided some great new features and add-ons to enhance user experience.
Score Comparison
There is now an extra validation at the end of a competition round with a score comparison function between player and markers recorded scores. This validation ensures only matching hole by hole scores can be submitted. If there is a score discrepancy a warning message will appear when swiping from last hole to the score confirmation screen. Scores will need to be corrected before the score can be confirmed and submitted. Touching on the hole number on the warning message will send you back to the holes not matching for correction.
3 Minute Lost Ball Timer
To assist with pace of play, a lost ball timer is available. Once activated this timer will engage a 3-minute countdown clock. Select the Round Time box in the top left corner and the new 3-minute timer will commence to assist keeping track of time in search for a lost golf ball.
4BBB Swinger in Mixed Gender Events
For mixed events when playing in a group of 3 the single gender player in the group will be the swinger eg Male – Male – Female will have the Female as the swinger.