Qantas Golf Club cease integration contract
Posted: 28th June 2019 in Latest news

Peter Maddison
Managing Director, MiClub.
MiClub has been advised by Qantas that the MiClub contract with Qantas will cease on August 1. MiClub was officially advised by phone on Monday 25th June 2019.
The contract covered the supply and support of time sheet integration for the Qantas Golf Club. MiClub will now take steps to remove the integration by August 1.
This will come as a surprise to many as Qantas Golf Club have been very active in the market of late. Qantas will be providing communication around this shortly.
MiClub continually receives requests to integrate with 3rd party booking portals from around the world, they all sell a great story. The statistics we have generated from our database shows 3rd party booking portals have an extremely low uptake by golfers in Australia. Direct booking online to the club’s own web site massively outperforms 3rd Party booking portals continually.
Researching further the experience of clubs and courses globally with 3rd party booking portals has raised issues regarding
- control of inventory
- entering into discounting wars driving the price down
- inflating prices to cover commissions
- slow payment of green fees by 3rd party providers
- customer loyalty and satisfaction diminishing
- devaluing the property by 3rd party providers underselling green fees
- the high commission taken by 3rd party providers of 20%
Integrating with 3rd Party booking portals places strain on MiClub timesheet performance and our support team for what is very little return to our clients. MiClub over the years has invested many months of valuable development time establishing integration with 3rd Party booking portals only to have these portals close down due to lack of success.
After considering the above MiClub has decided to limit our tee time integration to just iSeekGolf and TeeNet.
If any of our clients would like an analysis on the method of green fee bookings over the past 3 years, please let me know. If you would like to discuss other methods of selling tee times please also contact Chris Little, Phil Laurie or myself.