Promote a Christmas golf voucher
Posted: 16th November 2017 in Vouchers

We all know Christmas is approaching. Some of us may already have a plan for Christmas gifts for everyone in the family – but the majority of us will be rushing around in mid December trying to think of the perfect gift. Your golfing public are, of course, no different. That’s where your Christmas voucher will come in, the perfect gift for the golfer in the family or workplace. Doing your voucher preparations now will increase your end of year revenue.
Template ready to go
Voucher shop clients will be able to access a Christmas voucher template. With a styled Christmas theme, the voucher makes an ideal gift.
Get the message out there
Now is the ideal time to begin to promote vouchers. Your members and public may not know the club of course is offering vouchers. Spread the word with posters around the clubhouse and pro-shop and place a stack of flyers on the counter.
Do you have a customer database? Time to send an enews then – promoting a voucher for Christmas gifts. Are you holding any special Christmas events? This would be a great place to mention them too.
Digital marketing
Create a post for your social media channels. You may choose to run a promotional campaign on Christmas vouchers to really create a revenue drive. One relatively simple way to promote a campaign is through your club’s Facebook page. Create a post – add your message and boost the post to a relevant audience to get the message out beyond your existing members and visitors.
Read more on How to create a Facebook campaign.
Need voucher functionality?
If you don’t have vouchers attached to MiClub Golf yet, contact your MiClub Account Manager, or you can complete a request form.
Ideally club’s will need to have online payments to process vouchers although manual processing is possible. Clubs and courses with MiClub’s Green Fee module can promote promo codes and vouchers to be used when booking a game.