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The MiScore App will be updated during the evening on 23 March 2022 to include some great new features please find further details below. This update will automatically apply. We encourage you to pass this information on to your members.

Score Comparison 

There is now an extra validation at the end of a competition round with a score comparison function between player and markers recorded scores. This validation ensures only matching hole by hole scores can be submitted.  If there is a score discrepancy a warning message will appear when swiping from last hole to the score confirmation screen. Scores will need to be corrected before the score can be confirmed and submitted. Touching on the hole number on the warning message will send you back to the holes not matching for correction.

3 Minute Lost Ball Timer

To assist with pace of play, a lost ball timer has been added. Once activated this timer will engage a 3-minute countdown clock . Select the Round Time box in the top left corner and the new 3-minute timer will commence to assist keeping track of time in search for a lost golf ball. 

4BBB Swinger in Mixed Gender Events

For mixed events when playing in a group of 3 the single gender player in the group will be the swinger eg Male - Male - Female will have the Female as the swinger.

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Coming Soon - Competition Registration via app including Tee selection. 

Our new competition registration function is currently being finalised and expected for release in mid April 2022. This will allow members to register for the competition, select their tee block and start scoring. This will remove the need to pre-register players or manually change tee-blocks for those wishing to play off a different tee. For clubs that charge competition fees directly to member accounts, this process will remain automated. Guests participating in competitions will still need to visit the pro-shop and register for the competition.

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Score History

A players score history is recorded and available for future reference within the MiScore App. Available from the Menu - Score History. A detailed history is available for Competition and Social Rounds, Partner Scores and also Recorded Putts.


Sent to you by MiClub. Head office: 2/128 Main Street, Osborne Park, WA, 6017
+61 8 9444 5300 | www.miclub.com.au | enquiry@miclub.com.au